The leadership of the PSU-AAUP have a series of emails designed to help our colleagues in the bargaining unit be better informed about the many rights and benefits they are entitled to through our collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The full text of these emails can be found in the PDFs below:
Compensation for Summer work Sent April 17, 2019
Did you know that nine-month faculty must now be compensated for summer work? And that courses taught in Summer or Early Spring terms may be counted in-load?
Union Representation at Meetings Sent April 5, 2019
Did you know that you are entitled to have a representative of the PSU-AAUP accompany you to any meetings you have with the administration that might lead to disciplinary action? Or at any meeting in which you intend to discuss a complaint against a supervisor?
Update and Clarification to PDF Roll-Over Policies Sent April 3, 2019
The Administration of Plymouth State University changed their position on allowing roll-over of less than one’s total annual allocation after publication of the previous DYK. The spirit of the CBA article was to encourage faculty scholarship for the benefit of the University. It is unfortunate that the administration’s narrow interpretation of the contract language may discourage faculty from engaging in exactly the scholarly opportunities that help to keep PSU a vibrant learning community.
New Professional Development Fund Rules Sent March 5, 2019
Did you know that our agreement (1) increased the amount of professional development allotted to each member of the bargaining unit, (2) guaranteed additional professional development funds for new faculty, and (3) allows faculty to roll-over their professional development funds for a period of one year?
Banking Overload Credits Sent Feb 19, 2019
Did you know that you can bank your overload credits?